Grace Biblical Counseling Ministry
Grace Biblical Counseling Ministry of Virginia Beach (GBCM) was founded in 2013 by Roger DePriest in close relationship with Colonial Baptist Church (Virginia Beach). Our ministry is firmly committed to the sufficiency of Scripture and biblical discipleship. Discipleship, of course, takes on many forms, but the two that shape our philosophy of ministry are both centered in the primacy of the local church. First, we have a passion to come alongside pastors and church leaders for the purpose of training, certifying, and mentoring in all aspects of biblical counseling. As a pastor for ten years and involved in pastoral ministries for another 30+ years, Roger understands the many burdens pastors face and the many issues churches experience and consequently, has been privileged to offer consultation and mentoring to more than a few in need. God has used his substantial experience and formal training to bless many churches and pastors. (Aside from his nearly 40 years of pastoral experience, Roger holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies, an M.A. in Theological Studies, and has been a certified biblical counselor with ACBC since 1991, trained originally at Faith, Lafayette.)
Second, GBCM is passionate about helping people grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many individuals come to us revealing the tremendous toll that sin takes on both individuals and relationships. The toll can vary anywhere from anxiety, depression, obsessions, conflicts, damaged marriages, estranged children, and countless other manifestations that life in a sinful world brings. But the Scripture is sufficient for all these things, as many can now testify to the same, as we have had the privilege to point them to Christ and his Word and the ministry of a faithful local church who is also committed to the sufficiency of Scripture.
So, these dual purposes of (1) training pastors, church leaders, and anyone with a desire to help others, and (2) coming alongside individuals and couples who are struggling with life issues are what determine the activities of GBCM.
Grace Biblical Counseling Ministry is a fully authorized training center with Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). It is a great joy to work with individuals and shepherd them through the certification process. While that is a key part of our training ministry, we offer much more. Those who are already certified can also obtain certification in areas of specialization (e.g., reconciliation, marriage & family, and addictions). Plus, we offer courses that are unique to GBCM, yet fully in line with the tradition and philosophy of biblical counseling.